
Our impact

When children are struggling with feelings like anxiety, grief or anger, it has a major impact on their ability to learn, play and grow. Prompt, effective mental health support is vital to prevent problems from worsening and reduce long-term harm to children’s wellbeing, relationships and education.

Blue Smile therapists help children to come to terms with difficult experiences and feelings using tried-and-tested art and play-based approaches. Since Blue Smile was founded in 2010, we have supported over 3000 children in schools across Cambridgeshire.

Happier childhoods, brighter futures

In 2023-4, we: 

  • helped 266 children to overcome mental health difficulties through 1-1 therapy  
  • supported 158 children through our early-intervention groupwork programmes  
  • provided advice to parents and teachers to help them support children’s emotional wellbeing. 

We’re proud of the difference our work makes in children’s lives. Blue Smile support improves children’s wellbeing, confidence, ability to build healthy relationships and school engagement.   

After therapy, 

  • 90% of children felt they had improved on their identified goals. 
  • 72% of children with low prior engagement were more willing to engage in school by the end of support. 

“I have brightness in me and I feel happiness. I feel that I can take on any learning challenge. I never used to feel like that”

Child supported by Blue Smile

Who we help

While mental health challenges can happen to any child, those from disadvantaged backgrounds are at much greater risk and face more barriers to access support. Children with special educational needs or disabilities are also more likely to experience anxiety, depression or low self-esteem than their peers. 

Our support is free to families and delivered in schools, making it easily accessible for children, whatever their circumstances. We work across Cambridgeshire, with a particular focus on working in schools serving areas of disadvantage.  

Of the children we supported via 1:1 therapy in 2023-4,  

  • average age was 8 years, showing our commitment to early intervention support. 
  • 52% were eligible for Pupil Premium, indicating economic disadvantage (national average: 24%) 
  • 49% were on their school’s Special Educational Needs (SEN) register (national average:14%)  
  • 30% were eligible for Free School Meals and on their school SEN register. 

Many children we support have been through highly stressful or traumatic experiences in their young lives – or “adverse childhood experiences” (ACEs). Those most commonly reported were parental separation, domestic abuse, family mental illness and bereavement. 

  • 59% children accessing Blue Smile therapy were facing at least one adverse childhood experience (ACE)  
  • 18% had experienced 4 or more ACEs in their young lives 

Experiencing adverse childhood experiences is associated with a wide range of poorer health and social outcomes in adulthood, with the risk increasing for those who face multiple ACEs. But by helping children to make sense of what they have experienced and build coping strategies, our support can significantly reduce the harmful impact on their lives.  

Visit our personal stories page to read more about children we’ve supported and the impact on their lives. 

“At school it helped me to focus. At home it helped me be more confident. It made me braver and worry less. It is good because you get to talk about your feelings and play at the same time” 

Child supported by Blue Smile

A positive ‘ripple effect’

In addition to the direct benefits for children we support, our work has a much wider, positive impact.  Our therapists work closely with parents, teachers and other school staff, which has positive benefits across the school community.   

Parents feel more confident in supporting their child’s mental health and learn strategies to help their child improve their behaviour and relationships. This can reduce stress and conflict at home, benefitting the whole family.  

“I am very grateful for the support and information provided to both my child and I. It has had a big impact for us both.” – Parent

Teachers learn strategies to support children’s wellbeing and help them regulate their emotions in the classroom. This leads to a more supportive and calmer classroom environment for all children.  

Understanding of mental health increases across the school community, improving emotional literacy and reducing social stigma. 

“Very helpful in helping to identify reasons for children’s issues and coming up with strategies for them to manage situation themselves.” – Teacher

Social and economic benefits

As well as making a huge difference to children’s wellbeing, Blue Smile’s work has significant social and economic benefits. Supporting children’s mental health is a positive investment that leads to positive benefits for them, and for wider society. 

A cost-benefit analysis of our work found that every £1 spent on our 1:1 therapy is likely to generate at least £1.95 in future economic benefits. This is mostly due to better employment prospects if children can reach their educational potential, and reduced need for public services. 

Children’s stories

What we do

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